The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Began teaching Vocational Agriculture at Southern Huntingdon SD in 1962. In 1966, I transferred to West Snyder High School. In 1970, I received a Master's of Education Degree from the Agricultural Education Department at Penn State. In 1979-80, I took a sabbatical leave from West Snyder HS, to pursue a Doctorate and to serve as an Instructor in Agricultural Education and Agricultural Engineering. Returned to teaching at West Snyder HS, and earned a Doctorate of Education from Penn State In June, 1983. Continued teaching until 1991, when I was appointed as Assistant Superintendent at Mid-West School District. In 1993, I was appointed as Superintendent in the same District, a position that I held until December 31, 1999, when I entered into retirement. In June, 2000, I was appointed as Interim Superintendent at the Selinsgrove SD. A position that I held until December 31, 2000, and later filled in at the Line Mountain SD during July and August of 2002. Following retirement from Mid-West School SD, I took up farming full-time on the family farm; growing corn,soybeans, small grains, and alfalfa hay. This a career that I have followed to this day. Since graduation from PSU, I have remained active with several activities at Penn State. I served as Director for six years on the College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Board; Inducted into the Armsby Honor Society.